I am always amazed and fascinated by the Word of God.  It is so clear and perfect, meeting everything we could face with exactly what we need to know.  Supreme guidance for living in this world.

Equally fascinating to me is how men and women deal with it.  Some embrace it readily, seeing what it is, the truth, and begin putting it into their lives. It isn’t perfect, but they are willing!  They ask and answer the question, “How can I conform to what God wants?”  Others are not so sure that this is altogether right.  They wonder if it can be true or if it is reliable.

Jesus makes certain statements about the word that should bring clarity to every Christian mind.  But they are probing statements.  They will make you and I uncomfortable.

For instance these words from Mark 13:31, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”  His words are unchanging and eternal. Not like men’s thoughts and words, not bendable into whatever we would want them to mean.  They do not conform to our desires but they demand that we conform to them.  I warned you that it would be uncomfortable!

Consider these words from Luke 6:46, “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?” Oh man!  That gets right to the heart of the matter!  Indeed!  We call Him Lord, make all the right religious moves, say all the religious things.

But then we run into something in His word that makes us stop, goes against our grain, or what we want.  Suddenly, we are less sure of the “Lord, Lord” part. but think for a moment,  do we know better than Him?  Is there some part of our understanding that is superior to His?  If you are not sure, let me help you, NO!

Why won’t we do what He says?  Pride?  Rebellion?  Stubbornness?  All of the above?  Jesus went on to say that the truly wise man would follow His word and  experience a deep and solid result, founded on a rock of certainty.  If you won’t follow, then disaster, it seems, is what you can look forward to.

My Christian friends, in these days let us not be found arguing with God or going our own way.  It hurts us, and confuses the world.  They wonder if we are real, if we really believe what God has said.  We loose our ability to be salt and light when we go our own way or worse, go theirs.

May the Lord bless you as you consider and follow His word!